05.02.2016 von DXS
I tend to see "what is" and not what others are trying to CONVINCE us it is.....
Here is an example. In a city where I used to live, there was a popular street that had three lanes in each direction. Next thing you know, that same city street was FOUR lanes in each direction.
I remarked that all they did was redraw the dividing lines so that the lanes you drove in were narrower than before, thus fitting in FOUR lanes in each direction instead of three lanes.
My best friend INSISTED that the city "added" a lane in each direction would involve major road construction, not to mention lifting up an entire city block and moving it over, which would affect the blocks one block away (both directions) and I seriously doubt that any lanes were "added."
Friend still insisted lanes were "added." (shaking my head.....)
Anyone else more tuned to "reality" and not what it "looks like?" I feel I'm hyper sensitive to "what it really is" opposed to "what it looks like."