Topic: Can alexithymia be caused by bottling up emotions?

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Can alexithymia be caused by bottling up emotions?
20.09.2018 by taetae

I'm new and very confused on how any of this works, but what ever. I found this test by searching up if I was incapable of love (not like anyone really cares). So I took the test and got a score 165 points, and I'm guessing this is bad-ish. I was reading over possible causes of Alexithymia and never found anything that matched how I was raised.I was not abused or emotionally neglected. I don't know how I feel about this, but if anyone can help by telling me some other ways and individual might get Alexithymia that would be gratefully appreciated.

Two types of Alexi
20.09.2018 by Jute

From what I've been able to glean online there appear to be two different mechanisms that result in Alexithymia. One type of Alexi seems to be physical/genetic/neurological. In essence it's hard wired into a person from birth and it's there to stay, for life. The other type seems essentially to be a form of PTSD and as such it tends to manifest itself after some traumatic incident in a person's life. As this is in effect a sort of 'induced' Alexithymia it moderate and lessen over time.
