06.12.2021 by Abby
I feel a lot of sadness of some sort commonly and so, still means someone such as I could have it, right? Just asking. Also attraction? Alexi is just not being able to express our emotions. Right?
I feel a lot of sadness of some sort commonly and so, still means someone such as I could have it, right? Just asking. Also attraction? Alexi is just not being able to express our emotions. Right?
My understanding is it’s an attenuated sensation or understanding of what we feel or what we think we should feel. It looks like individual experience could vary based on severity. There’s not much math behind feelings that I can find so metrics are difficult
Alexi manifests in different ways. It is found that that Alexi emotional states manifest more commonly with anger or sadness.
Alexi is the inability to recognize ones own emotions, emotions of others, often facial gestures too. It manifests in many different ways. I work with an Alexi specialist monthly and I have met people that have Alexi that manifests in many different ways.