Topic: Vicarious interpretation of feelings

English Alexithymia Forum > Alexithymie Questionnaire

Vicarious interpretation of feelings
08.06.2024 by lea-65

How do they define "Vicarious interpretation of feelings"? How can I be high in that and yet one of my lowest scores in "externally-oriented thinking"? What is the difference between these two factors?
Or, numerically, "vicarious" was 11 out of a 3-15 range for me, and "external" was 19 out of a range of 7-35.

10.06.2024 by Alexej

Hi @lea-65

Where did you come across "Vicarious interpretation of feelings"? Which test?

27.07.2024 by Mayajeff2_

Below your score on the test, is a detailed version where everything is put on a scale, including "Vicarious interpretation of feelings"
