Topic: Therapist Skilled in Alexithymia in Brisbane Australia

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Therapist Skilled in Alexithymia in Brisbane Australia
26.07.2024 by User64956L29

I have had a long and difficult relationship with my wife but like a dog with a bone I always thought I could figure it out or eventually find a formula that would make her fall in love with me and everything would be dandy.

Sadly all this has done is made me very depressed, anxious, empty and lonely beyond words. I feel like quite the fool for ever thinking I could love my wife better, all I've done is love her until I had no love left for me and a couple of years back I was so depressed and self loathing I was physically causing myself harm. That was when I decided to pull out of the relationship emotionally and protect myself.

Anyway, I saw an article on Alexithymia and it was like my life story was spilled out onto the page. Just recently I've found the courage to address the possibility she may have alexithymia and would like to engage a therapist to help us navigate how to manage it so we can keep our relationship together.

Has anyone had any success with therapists and does anyone know of one in Brisbane, Australia. None come up when you search online and no one seems to know what you are talking about when you call psychologists / psychiatrists.

Thanks in advance, Scot.

05.08.2024 by Alexej

Hi Scot,

I saw your post and thought I might offer some info on alexithymia.

As you will have seen, this is a slow website and I dont think you will find much response to your question. I am diagnosed with autism and have self diagnosed with alexithymia. I have joined

which might be a place to ask your question. I know that alexi is known of there, and I know that there are some Australians on that forum, so they might be better able to help you.

A good article on alexi is found on this website

Here are some websites that might be helpful in your search

I know these are all heavily autism focussed, but this might be a place to start to find what you are looking for,

Wishing you well.

05.08.2024 by Alexej

Just found this as well
