23.04.2016 by Mikari
sorry for my bad english. i know this isnt my mind playing with me. a lot peoples can say it but i know it isnt (at the end of post read why i do know it)
it started about 2 years ago. before i had normal dreams. mixed up memories and things i wanted to be real. like normal kid thu. but for 2 years i dont have dreams. not that i dont remember them. i just dont have any. before it was like an empty white room without edges and things like that. just an empty space. for about 6 months i just skip it. before, sleeping about 8h was like something was happening in my mind there. but now on im just going to sleep, close my eyes, for about 5 minutes, then wake up. i wanted to know something more about it (asked doctor, she said she dunno what it is and i shouldnt think about it too much). someone having this?
and as i said im not forgetting them. when i was 10 years old i said to doctor that sometimes my heart (as i didnt knnow how to say it) was doing something wrong as it want to pop out of me. they laughed. why not so? at age 16 i heard about heart problems and teraphy.; i know 2 days earlier about getting flu or something, just feeling it as i felt with heart. when i was 10-15 i remembered all dreams for about 5 minutes after getting up. now nothing.