Topic: How to know if I like someone?

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How to know if I like someone?
10.05.2016 by colefranco

Recently, one of my friends and I started becoming really close and it was obvious thought he liked me. For about a month I felt like I liked him too, but now I just do not feel anything at all. I am not sure if this is because I was just confused and never liked him in the first place or if it's because of other factors like stress from school or something. Does anyone have input on this?

10.05.2016 by yBeB

As general, after passing sometimes with someone, I become cold to this person but now, after one year, I still can continue to stay with the same roommate. I guess, if I am faking then, after sometimes, I become cold. I am not sure in what situations or with what kind of people I am not faking.
If you are faking with your friend, this can be the reason for you too. Or this is also possibble that after learning something about your friend, you understand that you cannot continue to be friend with this person.

It's hard to tell.....
10.05.2016 by DXS

In all my romantic relationships, I never really "liked" the person. I more "liked" the fact that they "liked" me, thus it was more "validation."

So I faked it to keep getting the "validation" which was false.

I agree with DXS on this.
18.07.2016 by Dave

I don't determine that I like anybody, either. colefranco, that sounds like you are doing the same thing. A friend of yours expressed he liked you, and you responded. If you can't feel the emotions you think you should be feeling, I wouldn't worry about it (I never let it bother me).
