15.08.2017 by CannellePapillon
So I am fairly new to the term alexithymia, in fact so New, New as in today.
Uhm, I don't know if I have it — I mean, a lot of my feelings are confusing and I'm basically confused or unsure about them. I don't know how to say what I want to say right now, but I took the test and scored 126, with identifying as one of my big problems. Uh when people ask me "how are you?" I never know how to reply. I never know how I am. Feeling wise, I know I'm not dead. I know I'm breathing, but what am I feeling? I feel disconnected from it. I have anxiety and ADHD too, suspecting I have a personality disorder as well (either BPD or schizoid).
I'm a creative writer so finding other words to describe how I feel shouldn't be a problem, but sometimes I have this feeling — it's hard to describe when I have it, but even harder when I don't. It's like a rain cloud in my chest maybe?
I had also been in a relationship recently that was broken up because my "lack of emotions" as she put it.
I found out about alexthymia by looking into Derealization/Depersonalization.
If this doesn't go here, sorry.