27.01.2018 by scarredlightning
If, for a normal emotional feeling person. You can look ini a mirror and you will begin to feel the expression u make. So maybe try that??
15.05.2018 by bpaull
Hey Xinnia,
I too want to be able to understand emotions. I am some one who takes near narcissistic pride in my intellect, so it confounds me that I am unable to understand emotions. I have tried observation and mimicry to very little successful results.
But I can recommend if you wish to make the people around you happier, that you continue to observe and strive to have the most realistic responses to their suffering as possible. I have found that physical contact helps with most things, an arm on the shoulder when they outlaying their troubles has often had positive results.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that their emotional problems will never be solved. It is easy to be bothered by their continual lack of resolution. Just remember you are not failing because you are not able to fix their problem, but you are failing if you do not continue to try to offer some remedy or easing of their suffering. I like to compare it to breathing, I have to continue to breath in order to exist, if I stop breathing out of frustration, I die. They need continual support, physical contact, saying things like "that must be hard on you" or your connection with them dies.
Why do you even care?
15.09.2018 by Jute
Why do you want to understand something that means nothing to you? I frankly can't see the point in mimicking behaviour that has no meaning for you.