Topic: [DELETED]

English Alexithymia Forum > Questions and Answers

29.04.2018 by Old7839118Z


Uncalled for.
06.05.2018 by scarredlightning

Please do not generalise people so strongly. This is a place designed for support. Also if you read through you'd see people trying to hold onto relationships to... Because they do care. Okay. That's all.

Thought this looked familiar
10.05.2018 by Beej


15.05.2018 by bpaull

It looks like you need help, not that anything is wrong with you per-say, but that you have obviously been hurt previously, probably very recently. Talking with some one who understands may be beneficial to you. I hope for your own well being you get some assistance as it will like help make you a happier and healthier person. Good luck in your journey.
